htaccess woes

You may delay, but time will not

A popular jQuery upload plugin used .htaccess for security control but the default behaviour in Apache changed 8 years ago (v2.3.9) so attackers have been able to upload payloads using the plugin ever since.

Luckily it’s only the 2nd biggest jQuery repo on GitHub that’s been forked 7,834 times!

But wait, it gets better!
oh dear

Here’s the full write up from Larry Cashdollar - Having The Security Rug Pulled Out From Under You

UPDATE 23/10/2018
Simple fix proposed in this git commit.
Insights from the author replying in HN thread (source)
hn thread

Always assume lusers will ignore documentation and copy example code verbatim.

No better time to review the abusing .htaccess workshop from Eldar Marcussen at CONFidence 2018, Krakow


  • Still undetected
  • Blindly adding upstream code will burn you
  • Apply this fix
  • Don’t use .htaccess (AllowOverride None)
  • PoC here
  • htshells
    • intially ported to IIS by @irsdl